The bitterness of burdock and lotus root becomes mild with apple. Burdock is rich in arginine and vitamin C, which is helpful for fatigue recovery and energy boosting.
Burdock150 g, Lotus root150 g, Apple100g, Drinking yogurt310 ml
TIPApple has many nutrients in its peels. Remove only the seeds and blend them as a whole with the vacuum blender.
- Remove the stems and seeds of the apples. Wash the burdock and lotus roots. Peel and cut them into pieces.
- Blend the ingredients in order of liquid, soft and hard ones.
Arginine in burdock helps fight fatigue to boost energy. Vitamin C in lotus root and apple lessens stress and hastens fatigue recovery.
2 cups
228 Cal / 350 ml
MAKES (ml)
700 ml