Do you feel your skin got rough and your eyesight got poor? This juice is good for improving skin health and eyesight, and plus makes a stronger immune system.


Water parsley50 g, Kale50 g, Carrot50 g, Lemon juice30 ml, Strawberry250 g, Water280 ml

TIPWhen you wash strawberries, rinsing them in water is enough. If you keep them in water for more than 30 seconds, vitamin C in the strawberry dissolves in water. The strawberries need to be stored in a paper box because they are easily damaged in humidity.


  1. Wash the water parsley and kale and cut.
  2. Remove the stems of the strawberries. Peel and cut the carrots.
  3. Blend the ingredients in order of liquid, soft and hard ones and powder.


Quercetin in water parsley has the effect of relieving infection. Vitamin C in strawberry enhances the body’s resistance against germs or viruses.


2 cups


72 Cal / 350 ml

MAKES (ml)

700 ml

Tagged: Juice