Drink a glass of Calcium-loaded Kalecium Juice and care for your blood vessels and get revitalized.


Apple 200g, Kale 80g, Leaf Beet 20g, Carrot 120g, Paprika 50g, Parsley 20g

TIP Apple peel is rich in nutrients, so use with skin on. Moreover, carrots with dark and vivid orange color and thinner skin are tastier.


  1. Slice the apple (do not peel) into sizes that fit the mouth. Bend the stem of the leaf beet to peel the tough skin, wash it clean, and slice into proper sizes.
  2. Wash the kale, carrot, parsley, and paprika clean and slice them properly.
  3. Juice all the ingredients following the instructions.
  4. Drink immediately, or let chill for an hour and then enjoy.


The potassium in apples helps discharge waste and excess sodium from the blood and relieve hypertension, and the chlorophyll and carotenoid in kale and parsley are effective for preventing and improving vascular diseases such as hypertension or myocardial infarction.


1 cup


82.5 Cal/350 ml

MAKES (ml)

350 ml

Tagged: Juice