It is a juice made with sweet-and-sour strawberry and banana giving a full feeling. This strawberry and banana juice helps improve skin health and also fills you up fast.


Strawberry 200g, Banana 100g, Plain yogurt 100g, Milk 270ml, Walnut 30g

TIP If you keep them in water for more than 30 seconds, vitamin C in the strawberry dissolves in water.


  1. Remove the stems of the strawberries. Peel and cut the bananas.
  2. Peel the walnuts and use the flesh.
  3. Blend the ingredients in order of liquid, soft and hard ones.


Sulfur in strawberry prevents and alleviates acne. Vitamin C in orange has the effect of skin whitening and tightening.


2 cups


305 Cal / 350 ml

MAKES (ml)

700 ml

Tagged: Juice